Is Your Dealership Ready for Instagram Local Business Profile Pages?
What’s the latest development?
We have heard through the grapevine that Instagram now has a new tool currently in closed beta testing. This new feature is tailored for local businesses and will allow them to be more visible on the platform.
Instagram has always been prompt when it comes to updates, so this feature is coming our way very soon. Read on to find out how to prepare your dealership’s Instagram account(s) for the impending official update.
What we currently can decipher
There haven’t been any official announcements from Instagram so far, and an online marketing community as a whole doesn’t know much about this new feature. But those who were lucky enough to have tested it in closed beta and to have an eye of a marketer, can provide their dealers with some insights.
Below is a screenshot of what an Instagram dealership profile page will supposedly look like when they officially launch it.

You can try to bring it up in your Instagram app, but since it is in beta right now, you won’t be able to see it.
According to what we’ve seen, we can conclude the following:
- This feature will look very much like Google Business local knowledge panels.
- Basic info will include the Address, Business category or type, Business hours, Price range, Website, and Phone number.
- In order to claim your business, you will need to authorize yourself via your Facebook business page.
- There are three thumbnails at the top of the page that will reveal to users who you are and what you have in stock.
Why it matters for business
Instagram is a platform that you definitely need to be involved with. Gone are the days when it was just a photo and video-sharing social network. Now it’s a powerful marketing tool that your dealership should utilize.
This feature that is now being tested in beta, confirms that Instagram is about to add more tools for local dealerships to help them to broaden their reach.
What you can do in the meantime:
- Keep an eye on Instagram updates
The platform is well-known as being reliable when it comes to updates, so check regularly on its ongoing status.
- Post wisely
It’s not clear yet just how those thumbnails will be chosen. Some say it will be the last three pictures you posted, and others speculate that it will be the three most liked and commented. Either way, you will need to fill your Instagram business profile with only highly-relevant material.
- Manage your Facebook business page
As we mentioned before, to claim your business on Instagram, you will need to authorize it via your Facebook account. So chances are that Instagram can incorporate some of your info from there. Make sure that you have the most recent data there as well.
The last word
Is your dealership Instagram business account ready for the official roll-out of this new feature? If you are not sure, there is still time to prepare. Autoxloo offers you Social Media Marketing services for car dealers. We can help you to set up, optimize, and manage your business’s social media channels. We always keep track of what’s going on in the online world as well as in the Social media galaxy. Contact us today and we will help you to get ready.