3 Actionable Takeaways from 2019 NIADA

On June 17 to 20 the Autoxloo team attended the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association 73rd Annual Convention & Expo.
Here are three takeaways after 4 days in Las Vegas:
1. Digital retailing is impacting the industry
Stop being in denial: digital retailing is here. No matter how hard the industry tried to keep things as they have been for decades, these changes are too powerful to resist. Consumers are expecting that buying a car online would be as easy as buying a washer and dryer.
2. Non-price competition demands more from car dealers
Today competition in the automotive industry is far from being purely price-based, now it’s more experience-based.
To consistently stay on top of the game, you have to live up to new demands by removing the clutter from the shopping experience. The new industry standard is to allow customers to easily interact with your website during various stages of the car buying process.
3. You can’t do without software
This is a logical conclusion to the above-mentioned points: you can’t provide a seamless customer experience online if you don’t have tools needed. At NIADA in the hallways, between sessions and while having their drinks, many dealers discussed the “must-pack” for a seamless transition from the showroom floor to the consumers’ desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. That pack included a modern website, DMS and CRM systems, digital advertising strategy, and online payment collection tools for BHPH dealers.
At Autoxloo we have been providing class-leading automotive software solutions to our dealers all over the world for the past 13 years and counting.
Our complete all-in-one solution enables dealers to go far beyond mere inventory listing. If you want to give car buyers what they want now: to structure a deal online and find the information they need to ultimately make a purchase, contact us today.